Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lesson Plan

Kwanzaa and Christmas

Each Country has its own culture that involved food, language, traditions, costume, etc. but with this lesson students will have opportunity to learn how two different Countries celebrate one particular tradition. This lesson is designed be taught face-to face to a class of 2nd grade Bilingual.
Instructor: Laura Guajardo
Lesson Title: Compare “Christmas and Kwanzaa” tradition.
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Level:  2nd. Grade Bilingual
Social Studies (113.13)  2nd. GRADE BILINGUAL
(16)((B)  Culture. The student understands ethnic and/or celebrations. The student expected to:
Compare ethnic and/or cultural celebration with a local.
Content Objectives:
1.-           Students will identify the main symbols of Kwanzaa and Christmas celebrated in December.
2.-           Students will  understand the meanings of both traditions.

Language Objectives:
1.-           Students will watch two video clips, one of 2:10min and the second of 45 sec.
2.-           Students will be paired to discuss and listed the different traditions of both celebrations using a T map organizer.

Strategy Objectives:

-Teacher’s introduction about what students will learn.
-After watch the video, students will have the opportunity to discus in paired and listed what they learn
 from the video.
-Students and Teacher will discuss and make one list of both traditions from students T map.

Writing:                Students will have to listed using a T map organizer
Listening:             Students will listening the Teachers introduction and the video as well.
Speaking:            Students will have the opportunity to express them self with one classmate and in   group as well.
Reading:              Students will read the instructions of the T map and the short Quiz.

-video clip                                                                                          
-The Teacher will provide a blank paper

-Teacher introduction (5min)
-Students will watch two video clips (2.55 min)
-Paired students              (5min)
-Teacher will give the instructions to the students to work on the T map (5 min).

Practice: (20min)
-Students will work in pair, they will going to create their own T map and sharing the material and get one T map filled(10min)
-Students will be group all together and with the Teacher, they will have a brain storm to create one comparison chart between Kwanzaa and Christmas(10min).
Teacher's and StudentsBehavior: The Teacher was observing tho the students while they were working to identified strengths and weakness od each students and students, while dinamic and cooperative while they were in paired ando also while students and Teacher were working together on the brain storm, some of the students were more participative than others but Teacher was also indentifiying who had more drive and who was more passive and to know their personalties during the activities.
Evaluation: (5)
-At the end of the lesson Students will answer independently a three TRUE or FALSE quiz.

1-      Is Kwanzaa an Africans celebration?
True                       False
2-      Are KWANZAA and CHRISTMAS December celebrations?                             
True                       False
3-      The celebrations of Kwanzaa and Christmas are the same?
True                       False

Saturday, August 11, 2012


My name is Laura Guajardo, I was born in Monterrey, N.L,Mexico the
second largest city of Mexico. I immigrated to USA in 2006 and since then I
have been living in San Antonio, Texas. I’m graduated from the
Autonomous of Nuevo Leon University in 1986; this is a local prestigious
and big public University, I obtained my degree in Psychology with
specialty in clinic. Currently I am a student of Graduate Teacher Certification program at
Texas A&M University in San Antonio. I also Graduated from Oblate Theology School of
Pastoral Formation Institute in (PFI) Certification.
I worked over 15 years in the Human Resources department as
HR Supervisor in manufacturing companies in Mexico and  San Antonio as
well, however my continuing interest in the education field took me to change
my career, since 2009 I became a substitute teacher at Harlandale
Independent School District (HISD) working with pre-k up to high school,
and recently I was promoted as a permanent employee as a special ed
teacher assistant at Mc Collum High School. I also volunteer since 2009 at
St. Lawrence Catholic Church as a Spanish Ctechist Teacher, eighth grade, and I am a 
member of the liturgy ministry. Thru  these experiences I discovered my 
passion to work with kids and I believe that  with my experience, my
biculturalism and bilingualism I can help to the kids of our community. I
am a Certified as NCLB and CPI , and my main goal is to accomplish my
certification as a Bilingual Generalist Teacher K-6 and get my master in
Bilingual Education.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Laura C. Guajardo                                        526 E. Formosa San Antonio, Texas       
                                                                                                                           home: (210) 924 7735   cell:(210) 386 3011 

                                                         Su                Summary
                     I have 15 years’ experience working in Human Resources. This experience has helped me to develop skills useful when working with people. I have been subbing with HISD for over a year.  During this time, I came to realize how much I love to work with kids.  I recently was promoted to permanent position as a Special Education Teacher Assistant. I am bilingual, certified in NCLB and CPI. My goal is to work as a teacher assistant while I strive for my ultimate goal of becoming a bilingual teacher and being part of an outstanding institution.

                        HISD                                                                          Mc Collum High School
              Teacher Assist, Special Ed                                 August-2011-Current
              HISD                                                                          September 2009-May 2011
             Teacher Assist. Special Ed Long term             Carroll Bell ES
             Poe Middle School (SAISD)                                  September 2009-April-2010
             Counselor’s clerk                                                   (part time)
             St. Lawrence Catholic Church                              August 2009-currently
             Catechism teacher (volunteer)   
 Avanzar (Johnson Controls)                                 Jun 2008-April 2009 
 Human Resources Supervisor

Support the hiring process and terminations, employee relation, assist employees      with JCI benefits, maintain the employee personnel records, run Kronos and people soft reports such, attendance and vacations, support to  payroll dept. with any employees modification, conducted the training programs, assist  the peer review process, coordinate employees events, as health fair and Christmas dinner(450 employees).  

York (Johnson Controls)                                         Jan 2007-Jun 2008

Control Production Coordinator

Pull-up bill of materials list and parts draw from production system and put all together as a book for production, as well as support the planner buyers with some paper work and file(250 employees) 

Emerson (motors division)                                     2000-2006, Monterrey, Mexico

Human Resources Generalist 

Recruitment, selection, hiring, terminations, employee benefits administration, salary planning administration, the annual seniority recognition and award event, beside others employee activities, conducting the bimestrial company’s newsletter, administrated the co-op students program (15 students from University) and Oracle HR implementation leader. (2,000 employees) 

EL NORTE (local newspaper )                              1996-2000, Monterrey, Mexico

Human Resources Supervisor 

Recruitment, selection of salaried employees, psychometric evaluations, orientation course for news employees (15-20) and coordination of social, cultural and sporting events for all employees. (1,800 employees) 

Education     Autonomy of Nuevo Leon University       Monterrey, Mexico               1981-                      1986  Psychology  Degree

                        Region 20 – Treasuring Our Paraprofessionals       

                        NCLB compliance                                                                          
        SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE                                                                        March 2008   

       HR Generalist Certification                                     

        Office of Victim Assistance & Safe Environment                                   Nov 2009
         Archdiocese of San Antonio

         Safe Environment Education Certification
         CPI certification (HISD)                                                                             Oct-2011


Graduate Student of Texas A&M